Schizo Fanzine #2
2009-07-01 Read the fanzine
Hey, I will put this netzine on ice, I don't know for how long. I rather focus on my real fanzine
wich you can read or download. And for distros, download the printable PDF and make your
own copys. But don't sell them too expensive. Here's the url:
Never hesitate to contact me, [email protected]
Don't forget my distro,
check out the distro list in my blog at that site.
Thanx to all who have helped me here. Schizofrehn Fanzine #2 will be out in october.
And thanx to all (at the moment) around 600 who have checked out Schizo Fanzine #1
Labels, bands, distros me if you wanna be a part of Schizo Fanzine.
Cheers to all of you!
Micke, [email protected]
wich you can read or download. And for distros, download the printable PDF and make your
own copys. But don't sell them too expensive. Here's the url:
Never hesitate to contact me, [email protected]
Don't forget my distro,
check out the distro list in my blog at that site.
Thanx to all who have helped me here. Schizofrehn Fanzine #2 will be out in october.
And thanx to all (at the moment) around 600 who have checked out Schizo Fanzine #1
Labels, bands, distros me if you wanna be a part of Schizo Fanzine.
Cheers to all of you!
Micke, [email protected]
2009.06.26 Schizofrehn
Download the first issue of Schizofrehn Fanzine at:
* Band of the month (June): Harrington Saints
* Info about Schizofrehn Fanzine #2
* A report from the last Fullersta festival
Read, print, distribute, do what you want, Do It Yourself.

* Band of the month (June): Harrington Saints
* Info about Schizofrehn Fanzine #2
* A report from the last Fullersta festival
Read, print, distribute, do what you want, Do It Yourself.

2009.06.16 Burnt Cross Interview
Here is some parts of an interview with Burnt Cross that you'll be able to find in the first issue of Schizofrehn Fanzine. Burnt Cross from England is a great anarcho-punkband... or is it a band?
1. Hello Burnt Cross, you seem to be active both in the music scene and the political scene.
Are Burnt Cross a band or a project? And what's most important, the band or political activism?
Hi, well I’ll take the easy way out and say that they are important as each other, we both have been active on the political scene on and off for 20 years, we have been in many groups but I prefer just to turn up and not join groups anymore cos sometimes there are egos involved and opinions which don’t suit me so I dip in and out cos I don’t get as much time as I used to these days and Paul has 3 kids so cant always make actions, but we do our bit. Burnt Cross is something I had wanted to do for long time, we played in a band called “Active Response” 18 years ago which was similar to Burnt Cross and Paul and I wanted to put something down just for something to actually have on cd so were gonna do it in studio but I saw a cheap 8-tk and done 3 songs on it which was then put on myspace and we got a good response so released a free demo called “Reality of Sacrifice” and its gone on from there. I see Burnt Cross as a band and a project cos the lyrics are important to us
2. Since you just are two members (brothers) in the band can you please
introduce yourself and your thoughts about what punk is for you?
Rob Marriott-All music/recording
Paul Marriott- Vocals
[...] I like punk that is more than mohawks and music , to me someone who is chaining themselves to an arms factory has the spirit of punk in them, not someone who just wants to be drunk and obscene for the fashion of it, but hey each to their own i guess, punk is punk.

3. Your music is really fantastic, tell me about the songs and the lyrics
Well Paul writes about 70% of the lyrics and I like his style, It’s fairly in your face and to the point and the fact that you can hear what he is saying is something people seem to like [...] The lyrics are generally just about things that piss us off, its true that its all been said before (what hasn’t?) but it’s also true that they are more relevant now than ever and there are not many bands doing it in a way like the early days[...] We have the usual suspects in our songs like politicians and cops but also some more personal pagan type ones and one about sexuality-directed at the bigots though of course :)
4. [...] What's your main influences when it comes to the music? You can do some traditional namedropping
[...] I would say that our influences range from the obvious like Conflict, Crass, Flux of Pink Indians etc to more underground bands who we used to get tapes of when I was a teenager, bands like The Apostles, Mans Hate, Statement, really DIY as you can get, also Cress were a big influence on me personally [...]
5. How is the spirit between all punx in England from different genres? "If the kids are united, they will never be divided" Is that just an utopia? (I hate all different genres, it can be a good thing when it comes to reviews but in general I want to call just everything punk or punkrock)
Yeah well I’m not into just punk and don’t see myself as a punk, well maybe in some respects but couldn’t care for genres and I don’t see much unity, its always been the case I think but some really great things come from the punk scene like community spaces, non-profit music, activism, trust etc and then some of it is just shit, so I cant just label myself as a punk cos I don’t like some aspects of it so yeah it is a bit of an utopian idea but some scenes I think pull it off even if you do get the arseholes in there who try to spoil it with childish behaviour, I think sometimes it is split with those who like drunk punk and those who like political punk. Me, I’d rather sit and have a joint in the forest and let them get on with it.
Thanx, that's all for now. Read the whole interview in Schizofrehn #1 that will be out soon
Check out Burnt Cross at: or contact Rob at: [email protected]
1. Hello Burnt Cross, you seem to be active both in the music scene and the political scene.
Are Burnt Cross a band or a project? And what's most important, the band or political activism?
Hi, well I’ll take the easy way out and say that they are important as each other, we both have been active on the political scene on and off for 20 years, we have been in many groups but I prefer just to turn up and not join groups anymore cos sometimes there are egos involved and opinions which don’t suit me so I dip in and out cos I don’t get as much time as I used to these days and Paul has 3 kids so cant always make actions, but we do our bit. Burnt Cross is something I had wanted to do for long time, we played in a band called “Active Response” 18 years ago which was similar to Burnt Cross and Paul and I wanted to put something down just for something to actually have on cd so were gonna do it in studio but I saw a cheap 8-tk and done 3 songs on it which was then put on myspace and we got a good response so released a free demo called “Reality of Sacrifice” and its gone on from there. I see Burnt Cross as a band and a project cos the lyrics are important to us
2. Since you just are two members (brothers) in the band can you please
introduce yourself and your thoughts about what punk is for you?
Rob Marriott-All music/recording
Paul Marriott- Vocals
[...] I like punk that is more than mohawks and music , to me someone who is chaining themselves to an arms factory has the spirit of punk in them, not someone who just wants to be drunk and obscene for the fashion of it, but hey each to their own i guess, punk is punk.

3. Your music is really fantastic, tell me about the songs and the lyrics
Well Paul writes about 70% of the lyrics and I like his style, It’s fairly in your face and to the point and the fact that you can hear what he is saying is something people seem to like [...] The lyrics are generally just about things that piss us off, its true that its all been said before (what hasn’t?) but it’s also true that they are more relevant now than ever and there are not many bands doing it in a way like the early days[...] We have the usual suspects in our songs like politicians and cops but also some more personal pagan type ones and one about sexuality-directed at the bigots though of course :)
4. [...] What's your main influences when it comes to the music? You can do some traditional namedropping
[...] I would say that our influences range from the obvious like Conflict, Crass, Flux of Pink Indians etc to more underground bands who we used to get tapes of when I was a teenager, bands like The Apostles, Mans Hate, Statement, really DIY as you can get, also Cress were a big influence on me personally [...]
5. How is the spirit between all punx in England from different genres? "If the kids are united, they will never be divided" Is that just an utopia? (I hate all different genres, it can be a good thing when it comes to reviews but in general I want to call just everything punk or punkrock)
Yeah well I’m not into just punk and don’t see myself as a punk, well maybe in some respects but couldn’t care for genres and I don’t see much unity, its always been the case I think but some really great things come from the punk scene like community spaces, non-profit music, activism, trust etc and then some of it is just shit, so I cant just label myself as a punk cos I don’t like some aspects of it so yeah it is a bit of an utopian idea but some scenes I think pull it off even if you do get the arseholes in there who try to spoil it with childish behaviour, I think sometimes it is split with those who like drunk punk and those who like political punk. Me, I’d rather sit and have a joint in the forest and let them get on with it.
Thanx, that's all for now. Read the whole interview in Schizofrehn #1 that will be out soon
Check out Burnt Cross at: or contact Rob at: [email protected]
2009.06.10 Schizofrehn Fanzine #1
2009.06.07 Machete Records
When I as usual looked around at Myspace I found a great punkband from USA, Dylan Shiv and the shanks, I sent a mail if it was possible to distribute them in Sweden/Europa. They direct me to their label Machete Records. I send them a mail and got great response. The label had really great bands, that's why I'm gonna introduce the label here and now.

Machete Records -
I will copy and paste the infotext from their myspace
It all started in 1991 on an island called Puerto Rico. At the beginning it was only a hobby. I put out a demo from a band called, Sham Pain, then a demo from my band, Hijos De Nadie. In 1994, I got out of the scene for many years, that's when I met Dane Scharff. We decided to re-start where I left off all those years ago, and opened up Machete Records again. In 2008 we started a band called, Nothing To Lose, our debut album is coming out in May 2009 called, Todo Va A Acabar!. It is the first album put out on Machete Records in 15 years. We are currently working on a international compilation Of bands from Ruerto Rico The U.S.A. Mexico and Spain,( Historias De Ultratumba ), which will be out in Summer of 2009. After that we will be working with some other bands as the year progresses. Hopefully we will be able to put Puerto Rican bands on the map again. However we are not limiting ourselves to only Puerto Rican bands, so if you are any band that is interested in having us
Bands I like from Machete Records:
The No-No's
Dylan Shiv and the shanks
Silicona Valley

Machete Records -
I will copy and paste the infotext from their myspace
It all started in 1991 on an island called Puerto Rico. At the beginning it was only a hobby. I put out a demo from a band called, Sham Pain, then a demo from my band, Hijos De Nadie. In 1994, I got out of the scene for many years, that's when I met Dane Scharff. We decided to re-start where I left off all those years ago, and opened up Machete Records again. In 2008 we started a band called, Nothing To Lose, our debut album is coming out in May 2009 called, Todo Va A Acabar!. It is the first album put out on Machete Records in 15 years. We are currently working on a international compilation Of bands from Ruerto Rico The U.S.A. Mexico and Spain,( Historias De Ultratumba ), which will be out in Summer of 2009. After that we will be working with some other bands as the year progresses. Hopefully we will be able to put Puerto Rican bands on the map again. However we are not limiting ourselves to only Puerto Rican bands, so if you are any band that is interested in having us
Bands I like from Machete Records:
The No-No's
Dylan Shiv and the shanks
Silicona Valley
2009.06.06 Upcoming
Upcoming here at Schizo Distro Netzine.
* Parts from an interview with Mina from Disagreed Crustzine
* And some parts from the interview with british Burnt Cross
* More reviews
* I hope to get some respons from The Monacoheartattack
Please add Schizo Distro Netzine to your favourites, I update this site often.
micke - schizodistro
* Parts from an interview with Mina from Disagreed Crustzine
* And some parts from the interview with british Burnt Cross
* More reviews
* I hope to get some respons from The Monacoheartattack
Please add Schizo Distro Netzine to your favourites, I update this site often.
micke - schizodistro
2009.06.06 Distro update
Ohoy, check out the blog at for a complete distro list.
But hurry up, there's just a few copys left of some items, and just one copy left on Spritvev, Mardröm and some other
Here's a few news...
Constant State of Terror - Liberation - 30 kr (NEW)
Really great UK Hardcore punk
Constant State of Terror - War with no end - 30 kr (NEW)
High class HC/Punk from Brighton
Agathocles / Sakatat - 30 kr (NEW)
Belgium cult band Agathocles with another split, this time with turkish Sakatat who are
pretty much into old school brutal grind
Besthöven / Alternate System - 30 kr (NEW)
There's no need to introduce brazilian Besthöven but read my Besthöven interview:
Alternate System are influenced by the swedish crustscene, like Skitsystem, Disfear etc...
Send me a mail if your band have released a 7".
[email protected]
// Schizofrehn Distro
But hurry up, there's just a few copys left of some items, and just one copy left on Spritvev, Mardröm and some other
Here's a few news...
Constant State of Terror - Liberation - 30 kr (NEW)
Really great UK Hardcore punk
Constant State of Terror - War with no end - 30 kr (NEW)
High class HC/Punk from Brighton
Agathocles / Sakatat - 30 kr (NEW)
Belgium cult band Agathocles with another split, this time with turkish Sakatat who are
pretty much into old school brutal grind
Besthöven / Alternate System - 30 kr (NEW)
There's no need to introduce brazilian Besthöven but read my Besthöven interview:
Alternate System are influenced by the swedish crustscene, like Skitsystem, Disfear etc...
Send me a mail if your band have released a 7".
[email protected]
// Schizofrehn Distro
2009.06.05 Reviews
Here's a bunch of reviews, that also will be published in my paperzine.
Aktiv Dödshjälp - Allt hopp är ute. Cd-r (Halvfabrikat, 2:nd press)
This is the first recording ever by Aktiv Dödshjälp, and they really know who to express cynicsm. I must say that this is their best recording according to my opinion. I got vibes to bands like Irritation and then automatic to Skitsystem, but the sound is so raw and contain a lot of treble and distortion, something I like. That's the same with the vocals, wich make it even more raw. All songs are in swedish and you will find the lyrics in the sleeve. Read them and find out why you should commit suicide. 6 songs, 12 minutes for 25 KR, I promise it's really worth that. There's an intro before the first song but after that is not a single second wasted for some kind of drivel or boring parts. And... I even like the intro.
Aktiv Dödshjälp - En tid av smärta och förnedring, CD-r (Halvfabrikat)
This is a re-press of their second demo. It contains 5 songs with their classic lyrics AND music loaded with anxiety. Oh, sorry, there's 6 songs, but one of them seems to be a nonsense song. You will find out wich one of them when you buy this CD-r. Aktiv Dödshjälp present a new leadsinger on this recording, and that's nothing negative. I can just say that I really like the new singer as much as the old one. 6 songs, 9 minutes. That means short songs, wich I like, but I want more because this is fantastic. Don't buy this record if you are a happy person and want to stay happy or if you think that Joy Division are a depressive band, hahaha, Aktiv Dödshjälp will crush any other band who pretend to join their division of fury. This is first-class rawpunk mixed with some melodic but brutal metal.
Chaka - Democracy and death. Demo/Cd-r
My conscience get so bad when I have to write "not so good" things about bands that have good intentions. But honest use to be the best way everytime. Hey, I will not say that Chaka is a bad band but there's some elements I have to write about. First and foremost, the vocals sounds okey and raw in one song at a time, but this CD-r contains of 8 songs. So it's a bit boring after 2 songs. And the other thing that disturb me is the tempo. It's the same in almost every song, a bit slow. And the last thing is that it sounds very difuse when it's guitar solos, they should need a comp guitar at these moments, it's not enough with just a distortion bass. What's left? I like the songs when I listen at one or two songs occasionally. This Brazilian band needs some polishing, but this is just a demo (their second) and despite everything, this could be an old demo by old-school punkbands like Discharge, Disclose or GBH and that can not be classified as something bad.
Makabert Fynd, Flat Back records. 7"
This seven song 7” came straight from the press in Feb 2009. I got one of the first 30 copys with seven songs, I wish it was more because the playtime is just a bit over 7 minutes, that means very short songs and it's hard to get a general impression. The only bad thing is that all songs sounds a bit like eachother. But anyway, Makabert Fynd are a great band who mix early Us Hc like Minor Threat with Swedish käng. Fuck all those genres…it’s punk for me. The band are a constelation from two Swedish locations, Stockholm and Hudiksvall. I prefer Makabert Fynd live. Their gig in February in Stockholm at Kafe 44 was really nice and explosive. So, my general impression for this record will just be OK, but as I said, they are a fantastic live band.
Spritvev - Pommacs larm. D-takt & Råpunk Records. 7"
You will like or dislike this record. I like it and I like it much. 10 songs about booze, vomit, hate society and…even more drinking and vomits. It might be pubertal but as I said, I like it as long as it’s made for fun. The music is fast as hell, total chaos and I hope that my neigbours will be disturb. D-takt & Råpunk’s releases are among the best right now with Raw Hate and Warvictims for examples. If you like raw punk as hell without speed limits and don’t care about the lyrics (or don’t understand the lyrics) I think you will like Spritvev. So check it up now.
And here's an review I wrote for the italian fanzine Hate & Rage, and it's translated into italian, so if you know that language, here you are:
PASSIV DÖDSHJÄLP / LIVSTID split 7" (Halvfabrikat / Anarkopunxrecords)
In primo luogo, c’è una sorprendente opera d'arte in copertina con i punti tra la Svezia e la Norvegia. Sì, questo è uno split tra una band svedese e una norvegese. E iniziamo con la Svezia. I Passiv Dödshjälp, cazzo, sono brillanti. Amo i loro testi ed è brutto che non tutti riescano a capirli. Mi viene davvero da ridere alla canzone Storstadskomplex. Sia il testo che la musica sono fatti con diverse intenzioni dietro... Beh, questo è ciò che suppongo, dato che non è riferita a guerra e distruzione. Ma è ansiosa e grezza come l'inferno. Le loro 3 canzoni sono buone e dovrebbero funzionare in un full-lenght. I nostri vicini, la Norvegia. Perché sono famosi? Il loro petrolio e la loro scena black metal. I Livstid potrebbe essere influenzata dalla scena black metal. Prendete un po’ 'di grezzo black metal norvegese e mescolatelo con il grindcore svedese e avrete un sound unico - Livstid. Amo la voce, la sue urla ansiose sono superbe. Proprio come i Passiv Dödshjälp, I Livstid usano molto bene i loro strumenti. Ci sono molte chitarre forti nelle canzoni. Totale: 2 band, 2 paesi, 2 diversi tipi di punk brutale e posso trovare 2 cose comuni - l'ansia e la musica suonata bene. I Livstid hanno un sound norvegese e i Passiv Dödshjälp quello norvegese, anche se entrambi hanno un proprio sound. Mi congratulo con tutti coloro che hanno collaborato all’album. E devo fare un elogio a Halvfabrikat e Anarkopunxrecords che hanno rilasciato questo split 7”.
Aktiv Dödshjälp - Allt hopp är ute. Cd-r (Halvfabrikat, 2:nd press)
This is the first recording ever by Aktiv Dödshjälp, and they really know who to express cynicsm. I must say that this is their best recording according to my opinion. I got vibes to bands like Irritation and then automatic to Skitsystem, but the sound is so raw and contain a lot of treble and distortion, something I like. That's the same with the vocals, wich make it even more raw. All songs are in swedish and you will find the lyrics in the sleeve. Read them and find out why you should commit suicide. 6 songs, 12 minutes for 25 KR, I promise it's really worth that. There's an intro before the first song but after that is not a single second wasted for some kind of drivel or boring parts. And... I even like the intro.
Aktiv Dödshjälp - En tid av smärta och förnedring, CD-r (Halvfabrikat)
This is a re-press of their second demo. It contains 5 songs with their classic lyrics AND music loaded with anxiety. Oh, sorry, there's 6 songs, but one of them seems to be a nonsense song. You will find out wich one of them when you buy this CD-r. Aktiv Dödshjälp present a new leadsinger on this recording, and that's nothing negative. I can just say that I really like the new singer as much as the old one. 6 songs, 9 minutes. That means short songs, wich I like, but I want more because this is fantastic. Don't buy this record if you are a happy person and want to stay happy or if you think that Joy Division are a depressive band, hahaha, Aktiv Dödshjälp will crush any other band who pretend to join their division of fury. This is first-class rawpunk mixed with some melodic but brutal metal.
Chaka - Democracy and death. Demo/Cd-r
My conscience get so bad when I have to write "not so good" things about bands that have good intentions. But honest use to be the best way everytime. Hey, I will not say that Chaka is a bad band but there's some elements I have to write about. First and foremost, the vocals sounds okey and raw in one song at a time, but this CD-r contains of 8 songs. So it's a bit boring after 2 songs. And the other thing that disturb me is the tempo. It's the same in almost every song, a bit slow. And the last thing is that it sounds very difuse when it's guitar solos, they should need a comp guitar at these moments, it's not enough with just a distortion bass. What's left? I like the songs when I listen at one or two songs occasionally. This Brazilian band needs some polishing, but this is just a demo (their second) and despite everything, this could be an old demo by old-school punkbands like Discharge, Disclose or GBH and that can not be classified as something bad.
Makabert Fynd, Flat Back records. 7"
This seven song 7” came straight from the press in Feb 2009. I got one of the first 30 copys with seven songs, I wish it was more because the playtime is just a bit over 7 minutes, that means very short songs and it's hard to get a general impression. The only bad thing is that all songs sounds a bit like eachother. But anyway, Makabert Fynd are a great band who mix early Us Hc like Minor Threat with Swedish käng. Fuck all those genres…it’s punk for me. The band are a constelation from two Swedish locations, Stockholm and Hudiksvall. I prefer Makabert Fynd live. Their gig in February in Stockholm at Kafe 44 was really nice and explosive. So, my general impression for this record will just be OK, but as I said, they are a fantastic live band.
Spritvev - Pommacs larm. D-takt & Råpunk Records. 7"
You will like or dislike this record. I like it and I like it much. 10 songs about booze, vomit, hate society and…even more drinking and vomits. It might be pubertal but as I said, I like it as long as it’s made for fun. The music is fast as hell, total chaos and I hope that my neigbours will be disturb. D-takt & Råpunk’s releases are among the best right now with Raw Hate and Warvictims for examples. If you like raw punk as hell without speed limits and don’t care about the lyrics (or don’t understand the lyrics) I think you will like Spritvev. So check it up now.
And here's an review I wrote for the italian fanzine Hate & Rage, and it's translated into italian, so if you know that language, here you are:
PASSIV DÖDSHJÄLP / LIVSTID split 7" (Halvfabrikat / Anarkopunxrecords)
In primo luogo, c’è una sorprendente opera d'arte in copertina con i punti tra la Svezia e la Norvegia. Sì, questo è uno split tra una band svedese e una norvegese. E iniziamo con la Svezia. I Passiv Dödshjälp, cazzo, sono brillanti. Amo i loro testi ed è brutto che non tutti riescano a capirli. Mi viene davvero da ridere alla canzone Storstadskomplex. Sia il testo che la musica sono fatti con diverse intenzioni dietro... Beh, questo è ciò che suppongo, dato che non è riferita a guerra e distruzione. Ma è ansiosa e grezza come l'inferno. Le loro 3 canzoni sono buone e dovrebbero funzionare in un full-lenght. I nostri vicini, la Norvegia. Perché sono famosi? Il loro petrolio e la loro scena black metal. I Livstid potrebbe essere influenzata dalla scena black metal. Prendete un po’ 'di grezzo black metal norvegese e mescolatelo con il grindcore svedese e avrete un sound unico - Livstid. Amo la voce, la sue urla ansiose sono superbe. Proprio come i Passiv Dödshjälp, I Livstid usano molto bene i loro strumenti. Ci sono molte chitarre forti nelle canzoni. Totale: 2 band, 2 paesi, 2 diversi tipi di punk brutale e posso trovare 2 cose comuni - l'ansia e la musica suonata bene. I Livstid hanno un sound norvegese e i Passiv Dödshjälp quello norvegese, anche se entrambi hanno un proprio sound. Mi congratulo con tutti coloro che hanno collaborato all’album. E devo fare un elogio a Halvfabrikat e Anarkopunxrecords che hanno rilasciato questo split 7”.
2009.06.01 Sangre (band of the month . may)
Hey there. I will chose a band who will be the Band of the month of Schizo Distro Netzine
(upcomming: an interview with Mina from Disgreed Fanzine)
Band of the month (may): SANGRE from Holland
Sangre on Myspace

Hello Sangre, you are the best band on Myspace right now, and it's just for the people
to comply when I decide that. Please, introduce the band:
Thanx for being Band of the month. I think it's the first time this is happening to us. We are Sangre
and that's Cleverson and Nelis on guitar, Peter on the bass, Dirk on drums and Goska and me, Billi,
on vocals. We started in 2004 but after several line up changes we didn't do so much beside some
shows in Europe and released a 10"
You have lot's of great bands in the Netherlands, what do you think of the Dutch punk scene
if you compare to other countries you have played in?
There are defenitly great bands in Holland but there aren't hardly any people. Everybody has
2 or 3 bands, like the swedish and so it might look like something, believe me, when you live
here you sometimes feel disappointed. I believe it's going in waves and after some really high
peaks when I thought that could never happen again in Holland, are we now suddenly on
such a low level that I think now that we can't be sinking any deeper. We never play in Holland a
nymore and every band that's asking us to set up a show, we have to disappoint. There isn't
much at the moment going on in here. Great bands? Maybe because we played in so many
of them hahahahaha
And now in the end of (may) the month will you go in to the studio, how many songs
will you record? Will someone release them or what are you gonna do with the new songs?
It's the setlist with the new line up. We are gonna record a bunch of songs (something like
12 to 15 ors o) to release on Abuse recs from Brussels, Belgium.

What is your thoughts about the swedish scene?
I really want you to come here someday Well, my sweet man, we have done a Swedish
tour allready but that was so long ago that we could do it again. When are you gonna invite us?
I loved it to be in Sweden despite the weak beer and the lack of coffeeshops. I just don't get
how come all the punx live in all these clean houses with dried flowers in the kitchen on the
wall but still.... A nice country, cool music and a wonderfull language
And yeah, the future, what's your plans?
Do as much as possible we can do when it comes to releasing records and doing shows....
If you wanna add something just feel free to write what you want. After some problems with
the line up we have finally our shit together again and just wanna say to the people who have
been let down by us, Hey.... this won't happen again.
Thanx for the attention. xxX Billi
Thanx a lot, I really enjoy your songs on Myspace. And I hope that this interview will give you attention
because you are really worth it. Cheers!
(upcomming: an interview with Mina from Disgreed Fanzine)
Band of the month (may): SANGRE from Holland
Sangre on Myspace

Hello Sangre, you are the best band on Myspace right now, and it's just for the people
to comply when I decide that. Please, introduce the band:
Thanx for being Band of the month. I think it's the first time this is happening to us. We are Sangre
and that's Cleverson and Nelis on guitar, Peter on the bass, Dirk on drums and Goska and me, Billi,
on vocals. We started in 2004 but after several line up changes we didn't do so much beside some
shows in Europe and released a 10"
You have lot's of great bands in the Netherlands, what do you think of the Dutch punk scene
if you compare to other countries you have played in?
There are defenitly great bands in Holland but there aren't hardly any people. Everybody has
2 or 3 bands, like the swedish and so it might look like something, believe me, when you live
here you sometimes feel disappointed. I believe it's going in waves and after some really high
peaks when I thought that could never happen again in Holland, are we now suddenly on
such a low level that I think now that we can't be sinking any deeper. We never play in Holland a
nymore and every band that's asking us to set up a show, we have to disappoint. There isn't
much at the moment going on in here. Great bands? Maybe because we played in so many
of them hahahahaha
And now in the end of (may) the month will you go in to the studio, how many songs
will you record? Will someone release them or what are you gonna do with the new songs?
It's the setlist with the new line up. We are gonna record a bunch of songs (something like
12 to 15 ors o) to release on Abuse recs from Brussels, Belgium.

What is your thoughts about the swedish scene?
I really want you to come here someday Well, my sweet man, we have done a Swedish
tour allready but that was so long ago that we could do it again. When are you gonna invite us?
I loved it to be in Sweden despite the weak beer and the lack of coffeeshops. I just don't get
how come all the punx live in all these clean houses with dried flowers in the kitchen on the
wall but still.... A nice country, cool music and a wonderfull language
And yeah, the future, what's your plans?
Do as much as possible we can do when it comes to releasing records and doing shows....
If you wanna add something just feel free to write what you want. After some problems with
the line up we have finally our shit together again and just wanna say to the people who have
been let down by us, Hey.... this won't happen again.
Thanx for the attention. xxX Billi
Thanx a lot, I really enjoy your songs on Myspace. And I hope that this interview will give you attention
because you are really worth it. Cheers!
2009.06.01 Deeeeaaaht metal
Here you are...if you are into brutal metal.
NECROS/ ABNORM Split tape out now on:
2 Upcoming Death black bands from France,
30 minutes of underground metal the obscure way!
Write for trades! Scumflesh @
NECROS/ ABNORM Split tape out now on:
2 Upcoming Death black bands from France,
30 minutes of underground metal the obscure way!
Write for trades! Scumflesh @
2009.05.31 Gatans Lag
Inom någon dag kommer det en drös recensioner här, men redan nu följer min åsikt på den nya Gatans Lag skivan som kommer ut nu lagom till sommaren. Ett långt albumnamn kräver en lång recension. Dessutom har jag ändå tagit bort en hel del text.
Gatans Lag - Låt mig stanna tre dagar i himmelen innan djävulen vet att jag är död (Kjell Hell)
Gatans Lag - Låt mig stanna tre dagar i himmelen innan djävulen vet att jag är död (Kjell Hell) Jag tycker fortfarande att "Jag hatar folk" tillhör en av sveriges bästa punklåtar genom tiderna. Ja hela den mini-cd'n kom som en frisk fläkt över punksverige (förutom dialekten). Dom kom med det där som verkligen behövdes då jag var utled på den så förbannat tråkiga och välproducerade amerikanska streetpunkvågen. Sen dess har mitt intresse för bandet gått upp och ner, kanske mest ner då texterna innehåller så många klyschor om och om igen. Därför blev det lite väl många låtar på "Alla hängda rövares själar".
Nu är Gatans Lag tillbaka igen, precis lagom till sommaren, den ultimata årstiden för bandets låtar som t.ex "Jag kommer hem" som innehåller en underbar och svängig refräng (medan verserna känns konstiga). Vad det gäller musik och texter har det inte flutit så mycket vatten under broarna, det är slagsmål, fyllor och brats som gäller. Utan någon tillstymmelse till slätstrukhet känns den här skivan lite gladare/popigare än tidigare med inslag av baktakt, saxofon, körsånger, gästsång (Körsbärsfettera gissar jag på?). 8 låtar på 34 minuter, ganska lång speltid, men då får man även ett nionde spår på köpet, en cover med egenkomponerad text. Dock kan jag inte lyssna på den ordentligt pga att sången gör mig generad, men det får vara upp till var och en att tycka. Sammanfattning, det är Gatans Lag, man vet vad man får, lagom doserat är dock bäst. "Jag kommer hem" och "Hårt mot hårt" platsar definitivt på sommarens blandband då det blir parkdricka av.

Inom någon dag kommer det en drös recensioner här, men redan nu följer min åsikt på den nya Gatans Lag skivan som kommer ut nu lagom till sommaren. Ett långt albumnamn kräver en lång recension. Dessutom har jag ändå tagit bort en hel del text.
Gatans Lag - Låt mig stanna tre dagar i himmelen innan djävulen vet att jag är död (Kjell Hell)
Gatans Lag - Låt mig stanna tre dagar i himmelen innan djävulen vet att jag är död (Kjell Hell) Jag tycker fortfarande att "Jag hatar folk" tillhör en av sveriges bästa punklåtar genom tiderna. Ja hela den mini-cd'n kom som en frisk fläkt över punksverige (förutom dialekten). Dom kom med det där som verkligen behövdes då jag var utled på den så förbannat tråkiga och välproducerade amerikanska streetpunkvågen. Sen dess har mitt intresse för bandet gått upp och ner, kanske mest ner då texterna innehåller så många klyschor om och om igen. Därför blev det lite väl många låtar på "Alla hängda rövares själar".
Nu är Gatans Lag tillbaka igen, precis lagom till sommaren, den ultimata årstiden för bandets låtar som t.ex "Jag kommer hem" som innehåller en underbar och svängig refräng (medan verserna känns konstiga). Vad det gäller musik och texter har det inte flutit så mycket vatten under broarna, det är slagsmål, fyllor och brats som gäller. Utan någon tillstymmelse till slätstrukhet känns den här skivan lite gladare/popigare än tidigare med inslag av baktakt, saxofon, körsånger, gästsång (Körsbärsfettera gissar jag på?). 8 låtar på 34 minuter, ganska lång speltid, men då får man även ett nionde spår på köpet, en cover med egenkomponerad text. Dock kan jag inte lyssna på den ordentligt pga att sången gör mig generad, men det får vara upp till var och en att tycka. Sammanfattning, det är Gatans Lag, man vet vad man får, lagom doserat är dock bäst. "Jag kommer hem" och "Hårt mot hårt" platsar definitivt på sommarens blandband då det blir parkdricka av.

2009.05.31 Bombstrike
Bombstrike will contribute of 2 split7" in the future. One with finish Kuolema and another with Anatomi 71. It will be D-takt & Råpunk who will release the split with Anatomi 71 wich will be a part of a box with 2 other split7".
Listen to 2 new Bombstrike songs at their Myspace:
And here's Dennis from Irritation a few hours after their gig this weekend
Listen to 2 new Bombstrike songs at their Myspace:
And here's Dennis from Irritation a few hours after their gig this weekend
2009.05.30 Yesterday at Fullersta
Here's a gig report, or an attempt. Im fucking tired after driving Irritation back to Sala. I came to Fullersta pretty early, it was just the bands there. Hey ho - took care of my distro. I set up on a table and after that would Irritation use a space and let me handle their distro. Peace! Then came Rob/RBD and wanted some space, but guess what, we made it. And later on, the english band Constant State of Terror wanted to set up their stuff and distro, so they bring one more table

Camden Market - No way. Fullersta 090529
First up to bring noise was Irritation, me and all I chat with thougt it was their best gig ever. It was something in the atmosphere, Oh I like them as hell. Constant State of Terror was so heavy, and I couldn't stand stil for a moment. It was really great. The last band Raised By Drunk hade some technical problems but when everything was back in normal, it was cool as hell, first time I saw them live. Lot's of idéas and everything from basic punkrock to brutal grind. I still looking forward to their split with Link

We decided to leave Fullersta after RBD and some sober talking with people and friends, I was going to drive the Punk-Volvo up to Sala and it went good except when Dennis shouted "I must baaarf"
On out way home we met Chris Bombstrike, who joined us to Sala. He gave me some news, I will publish them here soon.
More pictures from the gig at:

Camden Market - No way. Fullersta 090529
First up to bring noise was Irritation, me and all I chat with thougt it was their best gig ever. It was something in the atmosphere, Oh I like them as hell. Constant State of Terror was so heavy, and I couldn't stand stil for a moment. It was really great. The last band Raised By Drunk hade some technical problems but when everything was back in normal, it was cool as hell, first time I saw them live. Lot's of idéas and everything from basic punkrock to brutal grind. I still looking forward to their split with Link

We decided to leave Fullersta after RBD and some sober talking with people and friends, I was going to drive the Punk-Volvo up to Sala and it went good except when Dennis shouted "I must baaarf"
On out way home we met Chris Bombstrike, who joined us to Sala. He gave me some news, I will publish them here soon.
More pictures from the gig at:
2009.05.28 Schizofrehn Fanzine
Schizofrehn Fanzine
Right now will I spend my time with my paperzine - Schizofrehn Fanzine. I hope to release it in july. It will contains all kind of punk, as long as I like it or if it's an interesting band. And of corse, as long as it's belongs to the non-commercial scene. I do this for fun and because I like "our" scene.
* If you have something I can review
* If you want to have an ad in the fanzine (for free)
* If you wanna write something (like scenereports, info about your band or whatever you want)
* Or just wanna get in touch
Please send a mail to [email protected]
Schizo distro Netzine
I will not update this site very regular, but so often I can. So don't stop visit the netzine because I will write about gigs (and you will tell me about gigs) I will write about all things that relevant to the scene. I hope you will help me, so I can update as often as possible. I will still publish interviews, news, reveiws (one time/month) etc.
get in touch - [email protected]
Right now will I spend my time with my paperzine - Schizofrehn Fanzine. I hope to release it in july. It will contains all kind of punk, as long as I like it or if it's an interesting band. And of corse, as long as it's belongs to the non-commercial scene. I do this for fun and because I like "our" scene.
* If you have something I can review
* If you want to have an ad in the fanzine (for free)
* If you wanna write something (like scenereports, info about your band or whatever you want)
* Or just wanna get in touch
Please send a mail to [email protected]
Schizo distro Netzine
I will not update this site very regular, but so often I can. So don't stop visit the netzine because I will write about gigs (and you will tell me about gigs) I will write about all things that relevant to the scene. I hope you will help me, so I can update as often as possible. I will still publish interviews, news, reveiws (one time/month) etc.
get in touch - [email protected]